
Monday 22 July 2013

What if your child refuse to drink water

In the hot weather we makes sure that children are hydrated and drink enough fluids. What if your child is refusing to drink anything? There are few ways to trick them and make sure that they are hydreted. Choose food and snacks containing lots of water.

  • Fruts and vedgetables that include 70-95 % of water. Sometimes children are not fans of fruit then a good idea is to blend fruits. You can also ad a youghurt to them. To make it more fun you can put the mixture in the cups, pop them into the freezer and serve them as fruity ice cream! Children will love it!

  •   Nearly every youghurt contains about 80% of water. If your child does not like eat youghurts maybe you can try drinkable ones? You can also make a lovely dessert for your child. First you put a yoghurt  of child's choice in te bowl. Then top it up with fruits that child loves! You can have so much fun doing it together!

  •  Pasta, rice, couscous and beans absorb water as they cook. Children love pasta and there is a great choice of shapes available. Children like pasta with bolognese sauce. You can also mix pasta with yoghurt and fruits.

 Are your children drinking enough water? Have you any other advice on how to keep children hydrated?

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Baby's room

Here is an inspitation for the parents! There are different ways to decorate baby's room. Here is one of them:


What is your idea for your baby's room decoration? What colour scheme is best for baby boy and baby girl? Feel free to share your ideas with me.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Foam Mats for Kids

Foam Mats for Kids

Foam mats are becomming more and more popular amongst the parents. Apart that they are practucal and safe for children, they are also educational. There are many various types available including alphabet, shapes, numbers and pictures. Before parents will decide to buy them, they should check why they are bought so often.

Mats on the floor in the winter work like isolation and keep your children warm while playing on the floor. They are one of the most practical toys for children. Variety of colours and shapes influence child's development. When mats are on the floor they protect you children while falling.They are brilliant for babies so they will not hurt themselves while playing on the floor and also for todlers that are starting to walk.

What mats should we choose?
There is a big choice of mats available,  various shapes and coulours. Which will we choose? First of all we should avoid buying mats from the places that are not checked and the most important is not to buy mats of unpleasant smell as child may get an allergic reaction. Also the thicker mat the softer it is what gives you little one good protection during the fall and allows to play comfortably and safely.
Mats have another good advantage. You can take it with you anywhere and child can play on them not only in your house but also while visiting family or friends.

Mats are safe for the kids and enhance their development!

Here is an example of how mats can be used instead of a carpet in baby's room. On the website different styles and designes can be found including wood grain foam mats that look like floor panels.


Saturday 13 July 2013

Drinking water to avoid dehydration

In the hot weather it is easy to dehydrate. Adults know that drinking water is important but we also have to remeber about our little children that can dehydrate very easily. Some parents overlook the first symptoms of dehydration and it can become quiet dangerous.
  • Child may look tired, be irritated and has no energy to play it is a sign that child needs a drink. We can think it is because it is hot but it can be a first sign for the parents that indicates not enough intake of liquids that child receives. 
  • Not going to the toilet is another symptom not seen as serious.
When child is thirsty it means that already got dehydrated and it is parent's responsibility to offer kids a drink even if they do not complain that they are thirsty. Drinking water helps to avoid getting heat related illness which can result child ending up in the hospital. We have to remeber to always have a cup of water or juice for children especially in the hot sunny days.  I recommend Tommee Tippee cups for little children - easy to hold with two handles,  not to big what makes it handy to bring with you anywhere you go.
 Remember, when we feel thirsty, children do as well!