
Thursday 4 December 2014

What to do when a child starts using Bad Words?
I decided to think about a good way of dealing with the 'bad word' problem when I heard a 2 year old and 3 year old saying them. First thoughts? I will give out to them.. but would this solve the problem? No it wouldn't. It would only make them angry and I can guarantee that eventually they would say it again.

So what did I do? I talked to the older child and asked where they heard it and explained that sometimes adults say them words but this is not the language that children can use and I asked just not to use it. I started thinking about the way I dealt with the problem. Was it the right way to deal with it? Did I say the right things? Or maybe I should of ignore what I heard?

Children always did, are and will copy their parents or people minding them. This is how they learn so I started watching my own language carefully. Even the tone of the voice can be copied by them. When you are mad and use that kind of angry tone of voice the children will learn from you and do the same.

It is easier when they are your children because you have to mind only your own language. What if they are children you are minding? This is the situation I was in and I honestly talked to the parents without blaming but I made them aware of that a child knows all  the bad words and knows when to use it.  I was lucky that parent did not feel offended and working close with the parent made it easier to stop bad word saying.

How would you deal with it? Does your child use bad words? What was your first reaction?

Time out/bold corner?

Bold corner, naughty step, thinking time or just time out? Whatever we use it is important that we follow the steps. There are situations when it is necessary to give a children a time to calm down and think about their behaviour. Your child has a tantrum because she/he want sweets instead of dinner? Is your child slapping you, spitting on you, biting or calling you names? Here are few steps to follow when your child is just crossing the line and you want to put them in 'bold corner':

1. A warning! Give your child know that the behaviour is not acceptable and give them a warning that if they will not stop there will be consequences! If child decides not to listen then..

2. Bring your child into the bold corner. It is important that this is always the same place so your child doesn't get confused. Then explain the reason why your child is there.

3. Set the time. One minute for each year of age so 3 year old stays there 3 minutes.

4. Every time child leaves chosen place bring him/her back. Very important is not to talk to your child or have a discussions. Just put them back into the bold corner in silence as many times as necessary. Every time child leaves the bold corner the time counting starts again.

5. Teach apologising. After your child finish their bold corner time, explain again what was the reason that you put them there for and ask your child to apologize, give you a hug or kiss or both. It is important that your child knows that you love him/her.

Parent can choose if they will use it or not. It all depends how they want to bring up their children. I am not saying it is for everyone but these steps will work the best for any parent who chooses to use this method.

Does this 'bold corner' method work for you? Have you any other good methods to make sure your children will listen and behave properly?

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Computer games, internet, iphones, tablets.. is it really good for children?

Technology is everywhere.. Parents have a difficult decisions to make: Should I buy a tablet for my child? Maybe computer games will keep my children occupied?
Parents decisions are influenced by many factors like child targeted TV advertising. But is it all? Other parents and children influence them too. Some parents that invest in technology believe that it is good for children, keep them occupied, children will learn early how to use it. Do children at age 4-5 years old or younger really need technology?
I see children playing outside, everyday finding new things to play with, coming up with the ideas for new games to play, building houses using things they find in the house and having fun creating things. I believe that technology does not teach creativity and use of imagination. Playing does and small children should be encouraged to play, run around and make up their own games. There will be time for technology and I am sure that parents will learn a lot from their children about technology but please let your children to be children! They will need their imagination and creativity when they grow up and they should be allowed to develop it now in order to use it later. What do you as parents think about technology for young children?

Saturday 14 December 2013

Buying toys for children? No thank you!

Not all parents can afford to buy big amount of toys for their children. To save money and still allow your kids to have fun you can make toys from things you already have in the house. It will improve your child's imagination. Here is few great ideas:

- Make drums out of saucepans. Children love to use a wooden, metal spoons and play on different sizes of the saucepans. I know it might me noisy but children will deffinitely love it.

- Tent. Make it out of a blanket, biuld it from the cushions, put a chair beside a courtain and let your children play games in it.

What other games can children play not using toys bought in the shop? Have you any ideas? Please share them with me and I will add them to the list. Let's help all the parents to allow their children use their imagination when playing.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Encourage your child to read

Why many children refuse to read?
Why do they treat reading as a punishment?
 Why children do not enjoy reading?

The more children read, the better readers they become and what the most important is they start enoy reading. But how to encourage your children to read more?

1. Children MUST see their parents reading. There is no way that a child will be passionate about books and will read a lot when parents don't read.
2. Leave different types of books and magazines around the house.
3. Use your child's hobby or interests as starting point and pick books and magazines about it - children like reading about what they are interested in!
4. Bring your children to library, let them look at the books and pick one or two each week and then maybe read them together?
5. Tell your children about good book you have read. Maybe they will be happy to do the same?
6. Bedtime stories, reading Nursery Rhymes for small children will encourage them to read books in the future. It is important to start reading to your children as early as possible.
7. Encourage your child to read aloud! Show interest to what your child is reading whether it is a book, story or a joke!
8. Put a nice shelf in your child's room where all the books can be stored.
9. If you want to give your child a gift - give a book about your child's interests. Child will be more keen to read it than something completely new.
10. Your child read a book about zoo animals? Go to the zoo and  your child will be able to tell you a story about each animal, use it as a game. Your child is reading a book and you know about film based on this story? Why not promise to go watch it together when child will finish a book?

There are countless opportunities for your child to read like menu in the restaurant, road sign, advertisements, food labels or leaflets. Every child has some interests and will be happy to read more about them. Have you any other tips on how to encourage children to read? Maybe your child is refusing to read and you want to share your story and how you dealt with it?

Friday 2 August 2013

How to get your only child ready for a new baby?

New baby is on the way. How to prepare your son or daughter for the new baby's arrival? Here are some tips that can make it easier for you and your child:

  1. When first signs of pregnancy are visible, you can talk to your child about a new baby. I know that sometimes child can be too young to understand the impact of having the sibling. By talking about new baby your child will be aware of the situation and you will avoid the suprise of a new baby in the house.
  2. You can talk about babies, read books or sing songs about them, point out on them in the pictures or on the streets. You can watch the film where the new baby arrives in it. By doing this you will familiarise your child with babies so it will not be a big shock having one at home. You should also talk about advantages of having little baby sister or brother and advantages of being a big brother or sister!
  3. You should allow your child to participate in preparations for the arrival of a new baby. You can go shopping and pick a lovely baby clothes, baby toys or something for the new babies room. You can also buy something small for your child so will not feel forgotten.
  4. After the big day comes, you should allow your child to visit a baby in the hospital. This will make a connection between children and you can bring the new baby home together.
During first weeks after arrival of a newborn, you can see different signs of the  jealousy from clinging behaviour to kicking and temper tantrums. This is common behaviour because of the changes in the child's life and it should be ignored while you can prise your child for positive behaviours instead. You should make your older child special and never forget about spending time with the firstborn. Organise your daily activities the way to find time for your older child as well as the baby. Talk to each other, play a game, do something what only two of you can do together and make sure you stay close.

Did you have some problems with your firstborn after new baby arrived? How did you solve them? I will be happy to hear your stories.

Monday 22 July 2013

What if your child refuse to drink water

In the hot weather we makes sure that children are hydrated and drink enough fluids. What if your child is refusing to drink anything? There are few ways to trick them and make sure that they are hydreted. Choose food and snacks containing lots of water.

  • Fruts and vedgetables that include 70-95 % of water. Sometimes children are not fans of fruit then a good idea is to blend fruits. You can also ad a youghurt to them. To make it more fun you can put the mixture in the cups, pop them into the freezer and serve them as fruity ice cream! Children will love it!

  •   Nearly every youghurt contains about 80% of water. If your child does not like eat youghurts maybe you can try drinkable ones? You can also make a lovely dessert for your child. First you put a yoghurt  of child's choice in te bowl. Then top it up with fruits that child loves! You can have so much fun doing it together!

  •  Pasta, rice, couscous and beans absorb water as they cook. Children love pasta and there is a great choice of shapes available. Children like pasta with bolognese sauce. You can also mix pasta with yoghurt and fruits.

 Are your children drinking enough water? Have you any other advice on how to keep children hydrated?